Monday, March 22, 2010

Envelope mini album

This is one of the things I worked on at yesterday's crop. It's a 10 page mini album made from No. 10 envelopes. I saw a great tutorial on Youtube by Followthepapertrail.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring has Sprung

I know it's been forever since I've made any entries to my blog, but anyone who knows me is aware of my total abhorence for the winter. Waking up everyday and making it into to work took all my engery leaving none to ramble here, except to bitch and moan which I wanted to spare you all from. Add to the mix that January I came down w/ some crazy allergic reaction to some unknown agent and I now carry an epi-pen (which was not cheap and not covered by insurance) and then spent two out of the 4 weeks of Febraury sick as a dog, that brings me almost current. My winter highlights that I can name would be seeing Eddie Izzard (a comedian), Lady Gaga (she's awesome) and I did a 3 day crop w/ friends w/the girls from Crop for a Cure. Now that was a fun weekend even though it was during that massive snowstorm we had in February. There was a lot of laughs, massages, music and vodka, who could ask for anything more?? well, maybe some sexy times w/ Edward Cullen, or any of the guys of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I do love my fictional males.

Now that spring is here, the sandals are out, mani/pedi's will be occurring weekly and my disposition will be sunny (well most days, anyway, after all it's still me.) I'm going to start working on Lyssa's Paris/London scrapbook and have plans for the next several weekends. I actually won 2 tickets for tim burton's exhibit at MOMA which we will try to see next weekend, and the weekend after that is Easter where we will spend at the Milleridge Inn. After that I will be seeing Cirque du Soleil's Ova in Randall's Island.